If you have ever shopped at our Blue Springs location, chances are you have seen or interacted with Tyler. Though has been budtending since September 2021, his history with KCC extends farther back. Alongside our CEO, Tyler helped build out all four locations! With his positive, calm demeanor and wealth of knowledge as a patient and home cultivator, Tyler has quickly gained popularity with patients.

Tyler’s introduction to cannabis took place in his junior year of high school. Like most, he first consumed on a recreational basis but quickly came to realize the medicinal benefits while playing varsity baseball. In addition to keeping him loose and limber, cannabis also kept him focused, resulting in some of his best performance. A few years later, with costs on the rise, Tyler applied his love of plants and gardening towards cultivating his own medicine. When asked about growing cannabis and working in the industry, his perspective was full of sentiment and compassion. “I’ve always had a green thumb, growing up with my grandma. She had a couple of acres down in South Kansas City and had a huge garden, always planting. I took care of her acres and she taught me a lot about planting. My love of plants in general came from her…I love interacting with all the different walks of life that come in here, and all the different types of people and ailments that it helps with. I honestly like teaching people, guiding people through the process, especially the newbies and older patients coming in here for the first time.”

Currently, Tyler’s favorite item at KCC is Headchange’s sauce cartridge. Not only is each cartridge sourced with high-quality concentrate at an affordable price, but the grassroots company and their mission to help Missouri patients resonates deeply for him. If you are a new patient, seasoned consumer, or simply looking for a new experience, make sure to ask Tyler for insight and product recommendations!