A Multifaceted Role:

Trevor Pennington, the Assistant Manager at Kansas City Cannabis’ Excelsior Springs branch, juggles numerous responsibilities each day. From managing orders and inventory to printing labels and organizing the vault, Trevor ensures everything runs smoothly. He keeps our online menus up-to-date and handles all the discount adjustments to provide the best deals for our customers. Trevor also manages cash operations, processes refunds, and approves discounts, showcasing his commitment to both operational excellence and customer satisfaction.

Personal Journey into Cannabis:

Trevor’s journey into the cannabis industry is deeply personal. After a car accident significantly impacted his well-being, he sought to live pain-free without pharmaceuticals. This led him to explore cannabis as an alternative therapy, sparking his passion for the industry. Joining Kansas City Cannabis as an entry-level employee two years ago, Trevor quickly advanced to his current role through dedication and a keen interest in cannabinoids and terpenes. Discovering KCC first as a patient, he was drawn to the company’s mission and values, which aligned with his own.

Passion for Community and Education:

What excites Trevor most about working in the cannabis industry is the opportunity to serve the community by providing valuable knowledge and access to natural medicine. He finds it incredibly rewarding to offer alternative solutions that can make a real difference in people’s lives. Since starting in the industry, Trevor’s understanding of cannabis has expanded significantly. He has learned that cannabinoids influence a wide range of aspects, including mood enhancement and appetite regulation. The interaction between terpenes and cannabinoids has been particularly enlightening, broadening his perspective on the plant’s vast potential.

Favorite Strain and Industry Insights:

Among the many strains available, Trevor’s favorite is Orange 43 from Local Cannabis. Its exceptional pain-relieving properties and balanced body and head high make it a standout choice. Customers also appreciate its versatile effects, which offer both therapeutic relief and an enjoyable experience. Looking to the future, Trevor anticipates the cannabis industry will continue to evolve with a focus on enhancing terpene profiles and consistency. He foresees the development of more hybrid strains, offering tailored effects to meet diverse consumer needs.

Life Beyond Work:

Outside of his professional life, Trevor enjoys outdoor activities and tackling yard work and home improvement projects with his wife and little brothers. He also finds relaxation in playing video games during his free time. One memorable experience in his role was when patients trusted him to select their entire ounce, reflecting the strong relationships he has built. It’s equally gratifying when patients or fellow budtenders seek his recommendations on strains.

Advice for Aspiring Professionals:

For those looking to enter the cannabis industry, Trevor emphasizes the importance of starting early and mastering time management. Flexibility and adaptability are crucial, as is a commitment to continuous education and openness to new developments. He highlights that it’s okay to fail, as these experiences often provide the most valuable lessons and opportunities for growth.