A Journey Shaped by Hurricane Katrina

Born in the vibrant city of New Orleans, Silas Pattan's life took an unexpected turn when Hurricane Katrina ravaged the region in 2005. At the tender age of five, Silas's family was forced to uproot and seek refuge in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Little did he know that this displacement would become a pivotal moment in his life.

In the wake of the storm's aftermath, Silas's mother discovered solace and relief through cannabis. Being in a state that permitted medical marijuana at the time, she began cultivating and using it for her personal well-being. This introduction to cannabis, influenced by the unique circumstances surrounding their relocation, planted the seed of curiosity in young Silas's mind.

Uncovering the Injustice and Sparking a Fire

A few years later, Silas's family moved once again, this time to reunite with relatives in Kansas. It was during his time in high school that Silas started to rely on cannabis as a means to self-medicate his anxiety and depression. However, this journey of personal discovery would lead him down an unexpected path.

Caught with a pipe at the tender age of fifteen, Silas was placed on a diversion program. This experience left him feeling like a criminal, igniting a passionate fire within him. As he delved deeper into the consequences of the war on drugs, Silas became acutely aware of the injustices it had perpetuated. The diversion program itself amplified these sentiments, as participants were made to feel ashamed of their drug use.

A particular conversation etched itself into Silas's memory. He questioned the program leader, pondering whether the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes, such as by someone with stage 4 cancer, could be justified. The leader callously replied that it wouldn't matter since those individuals were going to die anyway. This shocking response crystallized the urgency of combating the stigma surrounding cannabis, leaving a lasting impact on Silas's determination.

A Passion for Change and Community

Following his high school years, Silas found himself working at Starbucks for a duration of five years. While he cherished the fast-paced environment and interactions with people, he yearned for a more intellectually stimulating job. It was during this period that Silas discovered an exciting opportunity to interview with Kansas City Cannabis, a turning point in his life.

Now a budtender, Silas relishes the chance to work with the diverse community of Excelsior Springs. Guiding those who are new to cannabis and witnessing the erosion of decades-old stigma bring him immense satisfaction. Changing minds and challenging preconceptions has become a driving force in Silas's career, as he actively contributes to making a real difference within his community.

If you find yourself in Excelsior Springs, make sure to stop by and say hello to Silas. Engaging in conversation with him might just broaden your perspective and challenge your preconceived notions. Silas's unique journey, shaped by personal experiences and a desire for change, embodies the power of empathy, understanding, and the capacity for transformation.