With the expansion of the Missouri cannabis market to include adult sales, the KCC team had to double to support the new demand. One of our newest teammates is Markus Miller. Being from Carrollton, Markus is a near-local who has spent the last several years in sales roles around Kansas City. He has sold anything from cars to security systems, and now cannabis. He is a gamer and sports fan who was unfortunately corrupted into a Broncos fan as a child. Markus’ passion for cannabis and charming personality helped us to look past this huge flaw and get him onboard at the Blue Springs store in January of this year.

Like many of us, Markus was first introduced to cannabis in high school at an extracurricular social event. At the time, he wasn’t a huge fan, but that was mainly due to the stigma that most people were exposed to in our youth. Once Markus started college he was shown a more relaxed view on cannabis and began to enjoy the plant’s stress relieving benefits. After some time in school Markus decided to join the Navy and was set to ship out to basic just after Spring break. While on vacation and just 3 days before starting training, Markus had an unfortunate, but slightly humorous, cannonball related accident that tore the muscles and ligaments in his shoulder. This accident sidelined his Navy plans and sent him to the operating room.

After a successful surgery, Markus was prescribed Percocet and was witness to the slippery slope that surrounds painkiller usage. He then decided that he wouldn’t take the painkillers anymore and chose to rely on cannabis for his pain relief. Once he made the mentality switch from recreational drug to medicinal plant, Markus saw expanding medical benefits. He was able to relieve life related stress and anxiety, sleep through the night and lead a happier life all while naturally reducing his shoulder pain.

Now-adays, Markus finds many of the same benefits from cannabis but he mainly uses it for stress relief and as a sleep aid. When asked about his cannabis of choice, Markus said he was mainly a smoker who prefers indicas but he does appreciate the occasional daytime sativa. His favorite cultivators in the Missouri market are Vivid and C4. Markus also enjoys edibles but due to his body’s overactive CYP enzymes, he needs at least 150mg to get any effects at all so he mainly sticks to grinding up flower. Markus’ passion for cannabis is evident and his first hand experience with the plant gives him a perspective that many guests and patients could find useful.

If you are able to look past his status as a Broncos fan, come by the Blue Springs store to test his knowledge or remind him that he has to deal with Patrick Mahomes for YEARS to come. The KCC team vetted him and still vouches for him!