How to survive the 24 hour Stomach Bug with Cannabis.
By: Hugo Ortiz
Unless you've had your head in the sand, you have likely heard or personally experienced people getting the 24 Hour Stomach Bug. As quick as a lightning strike, the bug infects and a timer starts leading to the moment your body begins the great purge. Soon the unfortunate host will begin evacuating anything and everything consumed recently. Often violent vomiting, diarrhea, fever, shivers, sweating, and many more symptoms. By the time you can get in to see a doctor, the virus has run its course. Right around the 24 hour mark, the clouds part and the sunshine peeks out of the storm, and you feel a ton better very quickly. You still don't trust your bowels, and you are probably dehydrated.
Full preface here, I am not a doctor or other medical professional. My only qualifications I can provide is my experience with using cannabis to mitigate some symptoms of these 24 hour viruses.
After the purge your body goes through you will need rest. There are many factors that are trying to stop you at every turn. Are you too hot?? Take off some blankets only to find that you are actually super cold, put that blanket back on!! Nausea, and an unsettled stomach sets in. A couple of puffs from a joint, or vape cartridge will calm you down a bit, and ease that nausea. Hopefully you can drift back to sleep.
After a couple of hours you will need to start pounding liquids in order to rehydrate yourself. But the thought of drinking liquids or anything entering your mouth sounds like a horrible idea. After medicating again, the idea of drinking liquids is much more feasible, dry mouth is a real thing! Applesauce and toast can start to look pretty good after a joint or edible.
I'm not saying cannabis will stop the 24 hour bug in its tracks, I'm not claiming this is some cure all. What I am saying is that using cannabis during stomach related illnesses will turn that experience from a truly awful time, to a bearable time.